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Let's Talk About Wedding Day Emergency Kits

The last thing any Bride or Groom needs on his or her wedding day is a mishap or oversight to cause additional stress. Wedding day emergency kits are one way to avoid accidents or sometimes even unavoidable things on your big day! So what should you include in your wedding day emergency kit? The Empress Estate Wedding Venue has a few suggestions!

1) Antacids

2)Nail File+ Clear Nail Polish

3) Sewing Kit

4) Lotion

5) Tide To Go Pen

6) Tampons

7) Fashion Tape

8) Dental Floss

9) Tooth Brush and Toothpaste

10) Q-Tips

11) Bobby Pins

12) Power Bar or Granola Bar

13) Earring Backs- in case you lose an earring back while you're dnacing your heart out

13) Tissues

14) Safety Pins

15) Hair Spray

16) Lint Roller

17) Deodorant

18) Lighter- to get rid of any fraying fabric

19) Bandaids

And if you're living in the Pacific Northwest we would recommend for the Portland/Seattle Brides and Grooms to bring non-scented bug spray for an outdoor ceremony or reception! That way you keep the bugs away but don't give your friends and family a mouth full of scented bugspray when you're hugging them or dancing on the dance floor!

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© 2024 The Empress Estate

460 Empress Lane, Woodland, WA 98674

(360) 225-5555




A Pacific Northwest Wedding Venue

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